Ending Australia’s homeless crisis

Resolving Australia’s homeless crisis never seemed likely. But the arrival of COVID-19 meant rough sleepers were moved off the street in a matter of days. All it took was a consented effort by local governments, charities and the private sector. What happens next will determine the future of the many homeless now stuck in limbo.

Fundraising during the pandemic

With donations falling dramatically, charities are facing major fundraising challenges. Many rely on annual events and face-to-face fundraising to raise their annual funds. Now, with pretty much all charities cancelling scheduled events, gaping holes are appearing in bank accounts. How are they going to get by?

Online gatherings and driveway Last Posts

For the first time since World War II, Anzac Day services have been cancelled across the nation. Social distancing measures mean there will be no crowds, no marches and no two-up games. This year, Australians will pay their respects to those who should not be forgotten in a different way.

Sliding into a new normal

Bushfires and COVID-19 – only four months into the new decade our old normal has gone forever. While we’re stumbling into the future, opportunities are appearing among the chaos: declining carbon emissions and people everywhere are stepping up to look after our most vulnerable. What is next for our world?

Charities fighting upward battle in radically changed world

While most of us have gone into lockdown, charities have done the opposite by ramping up services to help those affected by COVID-19. Having come to terms with dwindling donations and a disappearing volunteer base, many are now facing the strange new world head on.

2020: Time to stop the war on children

As many as one in five children around the world is living in an area affected by conflict. Bombs destroy their homes, schools and hospitals. Friends are shot and injured. Family members are killed.
Nowhere is safe to them.
We urgently need you to speak out today and help #STOPTHEWARONCHILDREN.

Statement from The Vocal Minority team

Here at The Vocal Minority, our heart goes out to everybody (and we mean, everybody) who is affected by the current situation around the world. Through our advocacy work, we vow to keep fighting for those who need us most – especially during these strange times.

Community against the virus

A collective sense of unease is growing as we are heading into the thick of the epidemic. At The Vocal Minority, we are also grappling with what lies ahead but one thing we do know – we must not forget those around us. Here’s what we’re doing…

Tragedy of homelessness among older women

Older women are the fastest-growing group of homeless people in Australia. The number of women aged 65 to 74 describing themselves as homeless has increased dramatically. But the crisis may be even deeper, since female homelessness often plays out invisibly in relatives’ guest rooms or on friends’ sofas.

Love your work

Essential services provided to remote and rural Australia continue to be highly valued by people across the country, with an annual study showing CareFlight and the Royal Flying Doctors are our two most reputable charities.